auf den Tag genau kann ich es noch nicht sagen, nur soviel:
Mein Teil der Artwork ist komplett (3d-Modelle, Cockpit-Texturen), die meißten Programmierereien sind fertig abgesehen von ein paar failure codes.
Das Flugdynamiken sind in der letzten Polierphase und die externen Bemalungen rollen aus der Lackiererei.
Dann noch Doku und Checklisten machen, Webseite preparieren, Photo-Shooting :-).
Wenn alles glatt läuft, zwei Wochen.
Hier ist der finale Cockpit-Teaser, den ich gerade auf unserem Forum gepostet habe.
Definitiv die letzten Cockpit-Fotos vor dem Release.
Ab jetzt nur noch Exterior-Schüsse, versprochen.
Wie immer, wenn man auf die Screenshots klickt, sollte sich ein Fenster mit höherer Auflösung aufmachen.
PS: Ich brauche noch einen Tester, der fit mit Instrumentennavigation im FS ist.
As has been mentioned we are basing our virtual Bf108 depiction on D-EBFW, a Bf108B privately owned and operated by a trio in Germany.
D-EBFW was build in 1937 and aquired by it's current owners in 2005 and lovingly restored to historical conditions and painted in Messerschmitt factory blue.
It's carrying - with special permission by the German aviation authority - the inofficial registration code D-IBFW on the fuselage as seen on a period Messerschmitt factory broshure.
The official registration D-EBFW is carried in small letters on the tail fin.
The high quality of their restoration work and their extremely friendly and helpfull cooperation and support made this plane the natural choice for the Classics Hangar.
Naturally this aircraft is a pure VFR daytime flyer and we have re-created it in all it's glory.
However, those that like more navigational aids than just a magnetic compass and a stop watch can fly the "IFR light" variant, a cockpit that is loosely based on the period blind flying variant
with the addition of COM and NAV radios, a beacon indicator and an OBS-capabable electric slave compass.
The (default) GPS can be linked to the beacon indicator.
Those that like to fly with international units can glue some stickers on the metric instruments so they can read in knots, feet and psi.
We should have some exterior shots ready by the coming weekend. :-)
D-EBFW's panel, recreated down to the last scratch.
The "IFR light" panel.
Another view of the IFR light panel. Note the alternative cockpit colors loosely inspired by D-EBEI, the Bf108 of the Lufthansa foundation.
International units stickers can be toggled on and off. The FS icons can be hidden with a simple mouse click.
D-EBFW's COM radio hidden in the map storage:
Gear ratchet and gear indicator
Flap/trim wheels and indicators