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Mittwoch, 2. März 2011, 08:53

Ankündigung: Space Shuttle - Mission Simulator 2


Exciting Simulations werkelt an Teil 2 des erfolgreichen Simulators. ( Zu Teil 1 )


The next version of the Space Shuttle Mission Simulator has been revealed at the I/ITSEC 2010 show, at the NASA STEM booth today at 09:00 ET.

The official name of the next version is:

Space Shuttle Mission Simulator 2
...the legacy continues...

Among the main features listed during the announcement:

• New Earth engine: high resolution, photo-real Earth. 16 times higher than in current version. High resolution clouds and Earth at night.
• ISS interior: seamlessly "float" between the docked Shuttle and the ISS, and inside the ISS.
• More, exciting and surprising missions
• Fully interactive 3D cockpit, more detailed GPC functionality
• Graphical enhancements and much more

As we approach the release date (ETA Q3/Q4 2011), we will be releasing more details about the planned features and we promise - they are way cool!

At the show, Mr. Tim Gagnon was present at the unveiling of the official SSMS2 patch. Tim Gagnon of Titusville, Florida, is a graphic and portrait artist with a life-long passion for Space Exploration and has been designing patches for many STS missions and ISS expeditions - including for the upcoming STS-133. He also created the SSMS2 patch.

His work is on display at the Kennedy Space Center, City Hall in Elmira, NY and the International Space Station.

In Tim's own words, the patch description goes like this:

"The focus of this design is the Space Shuttle on orbit. The Sun is about to set and we see the ISS and MIR in the background. In the sky the constellation Aquila (the Eagle) shines brightly. Its seven stars represent a typical seven member crew – but especially those lost on missions STS-51-L and STS-107.
Across the bottom of the border are six stars. One is blue representing Enterprise as it never left the atmosphere. The two gold stars represent the lost Shuttles, Challenger and Columbia. The three white stars are for Discovery, Atlantis and Endeavour still in service."

The setting Sun represents the conclusion of the STS program, while the Shuttle shoots for the stars, leaving a red-white American flag colors track, pointing to KSC - the launching stage for all STS missions.

We hope that you all like the patch as much as we do.

Stay tuned for more to come.


Quelle: KLICK

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Mittwoch, 2. März 2011, 09:47

Uh, nett! :thumb:

Ich bin mal auf die Systemanforderungen gespannt. Und wenn die zu meinem (etwas) betagten System passen, dann freue ich mich schon drauf. :)


Dritter im Cockpit

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Mittwoch, 2. März 2011, 11:34

Hübsches Teil :thumb:.

Für meinen Geschmack müssen sie aber noch etwas an der Optik feilen; in der Darstellung der Erde hat etwa der kostenlose Orbiter 2010 schon die Nase voraus. Was nicht ist, kann ja noch werden. Technisch scheint's ja ganz schön in die (System-)Tiefe zu gehen ;).
mit Fliegergrüßen,
Jan / Flugingenieur

Coolermaster CM 690 II USB3 | Thermaltake Toughpower Grand 650 W | msi Z77A-GD65 | Intel Core i5 3570K OC @ 4x 4,2 GHz | Scythe Mugen III | Kingston HyperX blu 8 GB RAM | Gainward GeForce GTX 670 Phantom 2048 MB | Samsung 830 SSD 128 GB [OS] | Samsung 830 SSD 256 GB [FS] | Seagate Barracuda 1 TB HDD [Daten] | Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bits)


Mittwoch, 2. März 2011, 19:25


uiuiui......habe eben mal den Orbiter 2010 getestet. :shocked:

Das wäre in etwa so, als wolle man Comanche 4 (von 2002) mit dem FSX vergleichen..... :punk:

Respekt an die Entwickler, des Orbiters, für ihr Gratisprogramm...ABER... bitte nicht mit diesem Simulator hier vergleichen. :gringo:

Macht euch selbst mal ein Bild und zieht euch die Demo von Teil 1 KLICK ;)

Der Vergleich hinkt gewaltig !!!!