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Just wanted to give you guys a short heads up. Still have this project on my schedule, further screens will follow by 1st quarter next year, release approx. easter 2010.
Just seen a nice trailer in the cinema yesterday that looks "cool":
will continue working on it after Rotterdam and another US City.
Sorry, I can't show certain screenshots on request. As soon as the airstrips/ice runways/stations (whatever you like to call them) look nice enough for some screens, I will certainly post some screenshots.
I have spend the last weeks on creating the whole continent with coastlines that include every single iceberg seen on satellite images plus a specially created mesh terrain that is better than anything else available for Antarctica yet.
I won't be in office for the next 5 weeks but will still be working on 3D models during that time. Attachedare two shots that show vehicles from the Australian Casey station. One of them shows the "airport" passenger bus.
Zitat von »Sasa«
Hello again!
Sorry I had to let this project down for a few weeks while finishing Las Vegas. This wasn't planned but due to the extreme long development time and complexity of the Antarctica project I had to do something else to keep some funds flowing in. In other words:
Please buy as many copies of Las Vegas to support the Antarctica X project!
As a little apology a few new screenshots of the Australian Casey base are attached.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Flugingenieur« (22. Dezember 2010, 23:04)
Zitat von »Dirk Stuck«
The Antarctica X Project
Sascha N. from and I had a conversation (30.12.2010) and decided that we are going to
split up the Project Antarctica X.
What we planed so far:
Sascha is going to make in his Package the whole Mesh and Land class and all the Runways and the Stations:
His package will also include the Missions.
His package will be sold by Aerosoft!
My Package includes the Stations:
Southpole (Amundsen-Scout),Neumayer Station III, Sanae IV,Kohnen
Station,Palmer Station,Troll Station,Molodjoschnaja Station,González Videla
Antarctic Base, Davis Station,Gondwana-Station........with the Mesh from Sascha
All Stations are 3D Models where you can take a look and walk inside and they are all fully animated
Ground AI Traffic
AI Traffic
3D Mobil Vehicles
Different Models of the Basler BT-67
Helicopter BO-105 AWI
People, Penguins,
Bouvet Island,
My package will be available to buy over SimMarket under Dirk Stuck Design.
!! Each Package (Sascha and mine) you can use as a "Standalone Package"
but if you have both, they are 100% Compatible !!
[Quelle: Flight Team Bremerhaven]
Zitat von »Sascha Normann«
What's mentioned there doesn't reflect the agreement entirely, meaning Dirk wrote the first sentence a bit unclear, yes.
The project Antarctica X is still under LimeSim's development. Due to the different nature of how we approach things, we decided to keep our two projects separate and not to merge them.
I'll drop Neumayer and Sanae IV in high detail from Antarctica X do avoid doing something that is already done by someone else. Apart from that everything remains the same! [...]
[Quelle: Aerosoft-Forum]
Zitat von »Sascha Normann«
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Flugingenieur« (5. März 2011, 11:06)
Zitat von »Sascha Normann«
I have to apologize that I haven't been able to answer a single beta test application as yet.
I'm very soon moving with my family from one continent from another, meaning that all the time I don't use for development goes into organizing that.
Please give me another 4 weeks or so and beta testing will finally start. This also means that there is no deadline for application as yet! Whoever wants to apply can still do so!
As a little apology here's a bunch of screenshots that finally shows some of the landscape in its full glory. Most of what you see here is continent-wide in this quality! Therefore it wasn't that easy to find some good spots because there are just too many.
James Ross Island with Antarctic Peninsula in background
Fildes Peninsula, home to many bases and and the Frei Airbase Hub (Chile)
View from Mount Erebus (active volcano) to McMurdo (USA), which is on the tip of the Peninsula you see in the distance
Approaching Frei Base (a good example to show the lesser detailed bases - the featured ones like McMurdo, Casey, Rothera and others will look way better)
Transantarctic Mountains
Transantarctic Mountains
Transantarctic Mountains
George VI Sound near Fossil Bluff (note thousands of Meltwater lakes on the ice)
[Quelle: Aerosoft-Forum]
Zitat von »Sasa«
Again a few more:
Italian/Fench Concordia Station
Custom approach lights at McMurdo's Sea Ice Runway (there are NO lights along the runway itself!)
China's new Kunlun Station at Dome A (Around an altitude of 13,000ft!)
China's new Kunlun Station at Dome A (Around an altitude of 13,000ft!)
Japanese Syowa Station S17 Skiway
Beaver Lake (landable meltwater lake on top of a saltwater lens)
German Research Vessel Polarstern
RV Polarstern
US Coast Guard Ice Breaker USGC Healy
[Quelle: Aerosoft-Forum]
Zitat von »Nick C«
Zitat von »Sasa«
Here's a screenshot of on of our beta testers taken at Wilkins Aerodrome using his authentic A321LR repaint.
...and here's a YouTube Video link showing the real one:
[Quelle: Aerosoft-Forum]
Zitat von »Sasa«
Today that I finished most of McMurdo's files I used to opportunity to take an A319 on a flight to McMurdo (this type of aircraft is actually flying there). Please keep in mind that I'm not even close as good as Nick in taking screenshots.
Southeast of Terra Nova Bay...
...Mount Erebus in the background.
Mount Erebus is a volcano that has one of only three open lava lakes on earth - the other two being in Congo and Ethopia.
Passing Mount Erebus. Note that all the screenshots you have seen up to here show Antarctica X in "default". The complete continent is covered in this quality while there are a few areas (mainly around the bases) that are done in even higher quality.
Overflight of McMurdo's Sea Ice Runway
Touching down (as seen from the Tower)
Taxiing along "Fuels".
Note the large engine heaters that are used down here warm up the engines before startup
Parking brakes set, engines turned off. A passenger is disembarking from the Hercules in front of us. Note the snow animated blower clearing the apron of snow
Just a little tour but I hope you like it.
[Quelle: Aerosoft-Forum]
Benutzerinformationen überspringen
I see everything...
Wohnort: 125mi south of the Weisswurstäquator
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »AWACS« (24. November 2011, 16:04)
Forensoftware: Burning Board® 3.0.24, entwickelt von WoltLab® GmbH