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Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Nico081« (4. April 2010, 15:16)
Hallo Nico,
Wahnsinn das Teil, habe grade alle 5 Videos zur Familiarisation auf Youtube angesehen und muss sagen, die Jungs haben Flugzeuge im FS X neu erfunden, sowas hab ich noch nicht gesehen ... werd sie mir die kommenden Tage auf jeden Fall kaufen !
Der Primer scheint das Dauerthema zu seinZitat
Aber ich kann den Primer nicht ziehen. Die Maus wird darüber zwar zur Hand, aber er lässt sich nicht ziehen...
wenn man beim Primer vorher das entsprechende Triebwerk einstellt, dann gehts einwandfrei, ja.....Zitat
Bei mir geht das primen für jedes Triebwerk mit einem linken Mausklick auf den Hebel einwandfrei.
Der Primer scheint das Dauerthema zu seinZitat
Aber ich kann den Primer nicht ziehen. Die Maus wird darüber zwar zur Hand, aber er lässt sich nicht ziehen...
Dreh doch mal den Primer (mit dem Mausrad z.B.) auf die zu startende Maschine.
Wenn Du genau hinsiehst, dann hat der Primer 5 Stellungen (aus, engine 1 - 4)...
Dann sollte zumindest der Primer funzen....
Hello everyone. As well as working hard on our next products we have been chipping away at this for a little while to make sure the customer experience is as best as we can give.
Wings of POWER B-17 Accu-Sim Update v.1.1
Changes in this v.1.1 update:
- Brake squealing and rubbing sounds occur independently on both brakes
- Removed extraneous cowl flap open / close sound on engine 1
- Oil dilution motor sound removed since it can only work with engines on and cannot be heard
- Engines 2-4 CHT / CAT calcs dependent on engine #1 running bug fixed (thanks GB)
- Cleaned up some code errors that might be the cause of some flap jams on the forum not being reported in the hangar
- Engine knock fps drop found and fixed
- Customers report engine detonation after shutdown fixed
- Oil leakage due to worn parts adjusted and crew may or may not discover it for some time
We have released an update to our Accu-Sim expansion pack for the Wings of POWER II: B-17.
This update includes the previous v.1.1 and v.1.2 update, and can be run over a fresh installation or a previously updated installation.
Changes v.1.2 to v.1.21:
- Re-wired manifold pressure selector for independent manifold pressure regulation
- Crankshaft wear and tear simulated
Changes v.1.1 to v.1.2:
- Fixed oil dilution bug
- Lowered hydraulic pump motor sound
- Fixed repeating oil dilution message
- Fixed turbo pressure wiring bug which mis-wired #1 turbo into other turbos
- Left and right magnetos inverted
Changes v.1.0 to v.1.1:
- Brake squealing and rubbing sounds occur independently on both brakes
- Removed extraneous cowl flap open / close sound on engine 1
- Oil dilution motor sound removed since it can only work with engines on and cannot be heard
- Engines 2-4 CHT / CAT calcs dependent on engine #1 running bug fixed (thanks GB)
- Cleaned up some code errors that might be the cause of some flap jams on the forum not being reported in the hangar
- Engine knock fps drop found and fixed
- Customers report engine detonation after shutdown fixed
- Oil leakage due to worn parts adjusted and crew may or may not discover it for some time
- Fixed issue with turbo limiters
- #4 engine oil dilution pump fixed
Thank you for being an A2A Simulations customer.
- The Accu-Sim development group
You can run this over any B-17 Accu-Sim installation. v.1.2 is not required.
The crankshaft is the main shaft that the pistons are attached to that harnesses all the power and transmits it to the propeller. As this shaft wears, you may notice a gradual lowering of oil pressure. This is because the clearances between the shaft bearings and it's housing become wider, allowing more oil to pass through. And it goes without saying, if the crankshaft gets so badly worn, the engine may not even be able to run.
So, if you are in flight and see low oil pressure on one of your engines, you may suspect a failing oil pump or crankshaft.
A2A Simulations Inc.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Nico081« (23. Januar 2012, 19:20)
Forensoftware: Burning Board® 3.0.24, entwickelt von WoltLab® GmbH