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Zwei Bilder der etwas fortgeschritteneren Entwicklung der Piper Cub sind dort auch zu sehen.Zitat
Wings of POWER 3: P51 Early and Late Models in development
A2A Simulations is currently developing brand new Wings of POWER 3, early and late model P51 Mustangs including the A36 model.
During development of the new Mustangs, we will be releasing a free update for existing Wings of POWER II: P51D Mustang owners which will not just give them a native FSX model, but an external model built from the ground up. Like our Wings of POWER 3: P47 Razorback, existing Wings of POWER II: P51D owners will also receive an additional price break when we launch the Wings of POWER 3: P51 Mustang. This new Mustang from A2A Simulations is receiving down-to-the-rivet attention, including Accu-Sim modeling.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Private-Cowboy« (31. Oktober 2009, 20:41)
Sorry we've been quiet, but quiet = good.
We are continually pushing the boundaries of our Accu-Sim engine, and this latest is no exception. I just cannot speak in any specifics until we have confirmed 100% that we have achieved our next goal. We are somewhere between 60-80% of that goal now.
Once we reach this, we will be able to fill everyone in on what is going into our precious AccuSim-powered Mustang.