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Warum denn ein Bizjet? Logisch gedacht dürfte PMDG eher was herausbringen, was in irgend einer Weise auf dem basiert, was sie bisher schon haben. Eine komplette Neuentwicklung würde "nicht mal so eben" gehen danke ich...
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Falkenburger« (25. Februar 2009, 10:16)
10 PMDG sagt, sie bringen was raus, womit keiner rechnet:
20 Nun rechnet jeder und tippt auf BizJet weil damit keiner rechnet:
30 Nun rechnen aber alle mit einem BiZJet:
40 GOTO 10
Oder einen Heißluftballon
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »mhe« (25. Februar 2009, 15:47)
Raumschiff Voyager
If you will please pardon me for sounding a bit snarky: All of us on the development team have been thoroughly entertained reading the various threads that popped up based on my interview with the French language website: Avionic Online. (
The shear enthusiasm with which you have debated the various merits of different product ideas has been flattering to us all, more than anything else- so on behalf of the entire team: Thank You!
Now- i thought I would bring you a bit of news and updates to give you something to look forward to over the coming weeks!
First: We have an update coming for the MD-11. This update will affect both platforms, and fixes a couple dozen issues that have been nagging at us since the last update cycle. The update is currently in validation testing, and we presume that we'll release it to you during the course of the coming week. I will post a complete update list in a few days- but we have been primarily focused on usability problems such as the broken domelight in FSX, and the fact that the FMS would fail to read airport/approach data when more than 159 SDI/STARS existed to the airport. (I think that is the number that was the problem- but i may be wrong...)
There are a number of other fixes that will be detailed here shortly. (Please do not fill this thread asking about X or Y...I'll post the list soon enough!)
Second: The NG2.0 is progressing NICELY. This airplane is fantastically detailed when compared to her 1.0 predecessor, and we are making good and steady progress. Obviously, no release date information as is our custom, but each day brings us closer! ;-)
Third: The "Secret Airplane" came as a surprise to many of you- but had indeed been mentioned here in an earlier updates post. This project is a highly detailed simulation, and I think you will be amazed when you see what we have accomplished with this airplane. This project will be unveiled in/around mid-march, i suspect, based upon current work-progress. Beyond this, I will not tell you what it is- other than to say it is not an A320, and McPhat is not involved...
Okay- I think that covers news items for tonight...
Thank you again for your enthusiasm for our products!
CRJ wär hilarious oder doch ne Dash 8?
Das ist so aber nicht richtigVon allem was in der Liste dort steht halte ich einen CRJ für am wahrscheinlichsten.
Erstens gibts noch keine gute Umsetzung dafür, zweitens wärs simpel die ganzen Varianten von 700-1000 zu produzieren, weil man das Teil nur jeweils ein Stückerl strecken müsst.
Mehr habens bei den Varianten der schönen Angströhre ja bisher nie gemacht...
Forensoftware: Burning Board® 3.0.24, entwickelt von WoltLab® GmbH