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sagt mal Jungs , kann man das Wildpferd auch im Multiplayer des FSX bewegen. Und kann man dann die anderen auch in ihren Paints sehen
Oder müsste man dazu noch was installieren
Wenn so was möglich ist könnte man ja mal einen Mustang / P40 / Spit / P47 oder was auch immer Flugtag machen ... aber ist das überhaupt machbar ohne größeren Aufwand.
CHANGES from v.1.5 to v.1.5.1
All Core Aircraft
- New accu-sim dll for improved performance and fixes some crashes reported on a small percentage of systems
- Offset contrail effect further back to avoid being seen in cockpit
P-51 Civilian
- Radio channels are saved only when changed
- Tweaked LCD background
- Ailerons are back in action for the AP
- Fixed ADF channels save
- ATC ID for the "Moonbeam"
- Sunken tail wheel fixed
- Aileron animation is Multiplayer compatible
- Specular effects reduced on the radio displays
- Missing texture for the guarded switches
Zitat von »"Scott - A2A"«
We took a bunch of test flights in the Collings Foundation Phantom to use for source to create the Accu-Sim Phantom. However, we ended up developing Accu-Sim deeper since those flights for propeller based aircraft.
We have two GA props in development now, that are coming along very nicely. Once these are beta, we'll then put both feet into the F104. This is the precursor to the Phantom. So, the Phantom is a ways off at best. But, the 104 will hopefully make the wait easier, because it will be out of this world.
Zitat von »"Scott - A2A"«
It's hard to say a date, but the Cessna and Cherokee are coming along well which precedes the 104. We have one more set of test flights to take in the 104 and will will have all we need in terms of sources to accusim the bird. It's still a ways off, but once it starts getting accusimmed, it will progress rapidly.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »PIO« (1. April 2013, 18:22)
Zitat von »"Scott - A2A"«
[size=140]This core update is complete, and includes ALL prior core updates.[/size]
This update is for the Accu-Sim Spitfire, P-40, and P-51's.
NOTE for those who use 3rd party paints:
This core update will not overwrite your aircraft.cfg files if you already have the latest changes, which means the update can be applied more than once without losing 3rd party paints. The aircraft.cfg files will still be backed up into the aircraft's respective A2A folder
CHANGES from v.1.5.1 to v.1.5.2
All Core Aircraft
- Fixed minor bug in engine crankshaft and carburetor condition
- Reversed brakes on Spitfire
- Warbird engine fuel filter getting clogged has appropriate effect on engine
Always install the core update last
Always install the core update after you install any Accu-Sim core aircraft (P-40, P-51, Spitfire, C172 Trainer)
1. Aircraft
2. Accu-Sim
3. Accu-Sim CORE update
Forensoftware: Burning Board® 3.0.24, entwickelt von WoltLab® GmbH