Changes affecting Spitfire MKI/II
- While Accu-Sim ignores the default FSX electrical system, we changed the FSX electrical system from 24v to 12v in aircraft.cfg for continuity
- New engine oil and coolant algorithms representing internal mass inertia and coolant flow passing through a large engine. This means the engine can be quicker to heat up and slower to cool down.
- MkI flaps warning says 160 MPH instead of 140 MPH
- MkII cockpit: flaps warning says 160 IAS; maximum speeds converted to MPH
- New trigger for the MkI
- Aircraft.cfg atc_type=Supermarine
- Added additional physics to airframe vibrations. Vibrations are both more precise and dynamic
- Slightly lowered shake effect on our manifold pressure gauge
- Engine fire logic re-coded. Engine fires start based on high temps, eng cyinder condition, and engine oil system condition (representing oil outside of engine)
- Engine oil consumption increased. Can be as high as 4gph with a very worn engine (past TBO), not including leaks
- Brighter, weathered windshield screws to match existing worn cockpit
- RPM value that was feeding to FSX was reversed on the 2-speed prop. Accu-Sim was compensating for this, so changes should not be very noticeable, but working numbers are more consistent
- Engine remembers if it was running before exit
- Elevator and rudder trimwheels animation: 4 turns for full work range
- Fuel tanks on spit upgraded to new standard, should scale accurately with pitch changes
- Fixed gear collapsing bug
- Radiator flap positions changed to: 1. Closed/guns warming, 2. Normal flight, 3. 1/4 open, 4. 2/4 open, 5. 3/4 open. 6. Fully open
- New, less bluish glass
- Fuel gauges tooltips don't read any value when buttons are not pressed
- Runway thumps
- Removed A2A_Spit.dll
- Fixed error with low RPM combustion firing
- New physical fuel pressure physics. You can see this at very low RPM (when engine is cranking or winding down)
- New supercharger code module (supports multiple stages, draw, efficiency, and efficiency changes with different air pressures). Simply allows Accu-Sim to better simulate supercharged performance in all air conditions
- Removed files from aircraft panel folder that were moved to central folder
- Excessive bearing wear on startup and shutdown fixed
- Adjusted fuel delivery impact on engine combustion
- Smoother prop sounds for startup and shutdown when canopy is opened
- New "plastic" seat for the MkII
- Coolant overtemp relief valve blows roughly 1/10 gal per min
- Some texture and bump improvements
- Come copper internal components replaced with brass
- Removed default fuel pump sounds from spitfire sound.cfg's
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Nico081« (28. Oktober 2011, 00:23)
Beispiel, welches mir grade einfällt:
Der Ablauf des Cartridge Starters wurde bei der Spit geändert, es dauert nun seine Zeit, bis der Druck durch alle Kanäle läuft und letztlich den Motor anwirft. Ist also jetzt eine merkliche Verzögerung.
Was ich wiederum nicht weiß, wie die Technik dahinter funktioniert: wurde nun einfach eine Verzögerung eingebaut, quasi somit der das System "gefaked" oder wird im Hintergrund tatsächlich der Weg und die Dauer berechnet?
Als Tester stößt man da auch irgendwann an Grenzen
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Nico081« (28. Oktober 2011, 01:29)
Mein Gott das wird grandios.
Schade das sie nicht auch aktuelle flieger wie nen A-380 etc. so simulieren das wäre genial
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 12 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Nico081« (28. Oktober 2011, 17:24)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Nico081« (7. Januar 2012, 23:04)
Zitat von »"Scott - A2A"«
Hello everyone.
This is a project that has been in the pipeline for a very long time, going back and forth from front burner to back burner as other schedules are met. We are pleased that it is, however, continuing to progress with the help of some incredible organizations.
[size=150]The Chanute Air Museum[/size] houses many aircraft, including the restored P-51H "Heatwave." I urge everyone to visit their sites when you can, just keeping an eye on how they are doing. These guys are in the trenches, fighting the good fight in keeping history alive. I hope everyone supports some aviation-related organization. If you are young, then being a volunteer is a great way to get involved. There is nothing like growing up around aviation and these aircraft are disappearing forever. But it's not just the aircraft, but about the people who fill these organizations. If you don't have an organization close by, you won't find a better place than the P-51H Heatwave project at Chanute.
[size=150]Czech Master Resin[/size] have an enormous fleet of high-quality models. It's amazing how similar 3d artists are to those who create physical models, like CMR. Both share the same passion in re-creating these aircraft. The have done superb research on the P-51H and this has helped this project come alive too.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »PIO« (25. Mai 2012, 19:35)
NOTE: This update applies for the following Accu-Sim aircraft ONLY:
- Spitfire MkI/II
- P-40
- P-51
v.1.3 Accu-Sim Core Update Changes
- New oil system modeling. Based on A2A independent tests on live Merlin and Allison engines. Oil pressure is slower to rise, and pressures can be extremely high with cold oil. It is very important you observe oil temperature minimum temperatures before applying full power.
- Re-coded the magneto behavior on engine power
- Accu-Sim engine performance and drag envelopes better synched with FSX flight modeling
- Mach drag removed from FSX and fully controlled via Accu-Sim core
- Adjusted fuel starvation with clogged fuel filters
- Increased Co2 power for Spitfire emergency gear
- Wear power scalar to improve control over engine life for different engine types
- Some fuel system delivery tweaks, increased fuel pump output to avoid some pre-mature fuel starvation with very high power
- Sometimes moving to a new airfield from being in the air would result in the gear not being lowered.
- Reduced moisture put into the air by breathing
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/34075223/update ... e_v1.3.zip
Always install the latest Core Accu-Sim Update LAST
1. Aircraft
2. Accu-Sim
3. Accu-Sim CORE update
A2A Simulations Inc.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »PIO« (27. Mai 2012, 22:47)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »PIO« (28. Mai 2012, 04:26)
Wenn ihr das core update aufspielt sind eure ganzen Stunden und der technische Zustand aller drei Maschinen (Spit,P40,P51) auf 0 Stunden zurückgesetzt . Selbst wenn ihr euch wie ich die jeweiligen *.dat- Dateien vorher weggesichert habt und nach dem core update wieder einfügen wollt - geht nicht.
Ich bin natürlich hochgradig verärgert, da ich gerade auf einer Weltumrundung unterwegs war.
Nico, hast Du den FSX, sicherheithalber gar den ganzen Rechner mal neu gestartet?
Nach wie vor tut man gut daran, bei einem Accusim Addon nach der ersten Installation mal kurz den FSX zu starten und dann aber gleich den FSX nochmal neu starten.
Hab da auch immer wieder mal Probleme, die dann in einer Beta immer weg sind, aber irgendwie wohl doch nicht.
Bei mir hat auch noch nie ein Addon die DATs gelöscht.
Die DATs sind in den Dokumenten im A2A Ordner zu finden
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »PIO« (28. Mai 2012, 12:11)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »PIO« (28. Mai 2012, 12:47)
Zitat von »"Scott - A2A"«
During the past 6+ months, with MS Flight talk, some were predicting the demise of FSX. However, through that talk, every one of our indicators showed either a steady or accelerated growth then and to date. So far, there is no sign of it slowing down (our growth chart continues to bend upwards over time). The reasons we think are rather simple.
Flight Simulator X is the recipient of two decades and millions of dollars of a strong and building development
This gives you both an enormous package, a reliable program, and solid engineering. You simply cannot compete without a massive team and financial budget.
Comparing apples to apples, MS Flight does not begin to offer an alternative to FSX
For $30, you get an entire globe to explore, real world weather, all kinds of traffic, and a fleet of aircraft. We monitored activity before, during, and after MS Flights release, and could not see even a 1% change in any trends. It is as if, it does not exist. This just shows the A2A / FSX customer is VERY happy
SimConnect, Hello Accu-Sim
Microsoft's move to make ESP for commercial applications, meant they invested heavily in opening up the core engine. This allows us to turn off entire sections of FSX code, and replace it, in full, with our own growing flight simulation engine, Accu-Sim. The Spitfire is to Britain in 1940, as Simconnect is to FSX. It is a marvel and allows us to continue to develop within our own environment, and allow that environment to seamlessly come through in FSX.
Additionally, with all of the Mustangs available, we were expecting a decrease in our Mustang popularity. However, our latest Accu-Sim Mustang is our most successful product launch to date, followed by the Accu-Sim Spitfire.
We now are working on some updates to our core Accu-Sim engine (Spitfire, P-40, and P-51) and Accu-Feel (#1 for popularity). This has been the best year at A2A (2011 was the best and before that 2010 was), thanks to our informed customers who can tell the difference on their own. We thank you, for allowing our products to speak for themselves, and we don't have to run around directly marketing our stuff all over the Internet. Our customers are our voice.
Thank you, and flight simming at A2A is still just beginning.
Forensoftware: Burning Board® 3.0.24, entwickelt von WoltLab® GmbH