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Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »hasegawa« (15. September 2011, 18:00)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Heindorf« (28. September 2011, 23:47)
We appear to be close to the release our first core Accu-Sim Update (v1.1).
Below is a list of changes coming in this update. Below are not all changes, but those listed while this core update was in testing. Since we are in parallel development with other aircraft, some changes effect the existing Spitfire I/II on the market today, others do not, so we categorized them as such below for your convenience.
Changes affecting Spitfire MKI/II
- While Accu-Sim ignores the default FSX electrical system, we changed the FSX electrical system from 24v to 12v in aircraft.cfg for continuity
- New engine oil and coolant algorithms representing internal mass inertia and coolant flow passing through a large engine. This means the engine can be quicker to heat up and slower to cool down.
- MkI flaps warning says 160 MPH instead of 140 MPH
- MkII cockpit: flaps warning says 160 IAS; maximum speeds converted to MPH
- New trigger for the MkI
- Aircraft.cfg atc_type=Supermarine
- Added additional physics to airframe vibrations. Vibrations are both more precise and dynamic
- Slightly lowered shake effect on our manifold pressure gauge
- Engine fire logic re-coded. Engine fires start based on high temps, eng cyinder condition, and engine oil system condition (representing oil outside of engine)
- Engine oil consumption increased. Can be as high as 4gph with a very worn engine (past TBO), not including leaks
- Brighter, weathered windshield screws to match existing worn cockpit
- RPM value that was feeding to FSX was reversed on the 2-speed prop. Accu-Sim was compensating for this, so changes should not be very noticeable, but working numbers are more consistent
- Engine remembers if it was running before exit
- Elevator and rudder trimwheels animation: 4 turns for full work range
- Fuel tanks on spit upgraded to new standard, should scale accurately with pitch changes
- Fixed gear collapsing bug
- Radiator flap positions changed to: 1. Closed/guns warming, 2. Normal flight, 3. 1/4 open, 4. 2/4 open, 5. 3/4 open. 6. Fully open
- New, less bluish glass
- Fuel gauges tooltips don't read any value when buttons are not pressed
- Runway thumps
- Removed A2A_Spit.dll
- Fixed error with low RPM combustion firing
- New physical fuel pressure physics. You can see this at very low RPM (when engine is cranking or winding down)
- New supercharger code module (supports multiple stages, draw, efficiency, and efficiency changes with different air pressures). Simply allows Accu-Sim to better simulate supercharged performance in all air conditions
- Removed files from aircraft panel folder that were moved to central folder
- Excessive bearing wear on startup and shutdown fixed
- Adjusted fuel delivery impact on engine combustion
- Smoother prop sounds for startup and shutdown when canopy is opened
- New "plastic" seat for the MkII
- Coolant overtemp relief valve blows roughly 1/10 gal per min
- Some texture and bump improvements
- Come copper internal components replaced with brass
- Removed default fuel pump sounds from spitfire sound.cfg's
- Multiplayer propeller visibility and rotation issue
- Landing flaps animation should be visible in MP
- Possible fix for the trolley and wheel chocks MP visibility issue.
- Disabled and renamed cartridge starter visual effect due to multiplayer error
Changes only affecting other aircraft in development
- Electrical system standardized to support all aircraft
- Electrical prop system added (P-40 Curtiss Electric prop)
- Electric prop does not draw electricity when at the stops
- Added drag system to P-40
- Fixed an issue with the wobble pump and fuel pressure
- Electrical voltage outputs set for each aircraft
- Initial P-51 cockpit sounds added (P-51)
- Fuel sloshing physics
- RPMGaugeSwayPhysics customizable for each aircraft
- Completed hydraulic system including actuator support for drooping gear doors in P-51
- New ground bump physics added
- RAM air and Carb heat systems implemented
- Engine piston suction bug fixed
- Oil dilution support added
- Inertia starter support (P-40)
- Manifold Pressure Regulator support (P-51)
- Oil cooler flaps (P-51)
- Automatic coolant and oil cooling systems (P-51)
- Electric fuel primer support (P-51)
- Hydraulic and Pneumatic brakes, flaps, and gear system support
- Initial turbo-jet engine physics modeling and sound module added (F-104)
- Manual wobble pump support (P-40)
A2A Simulations Inc.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Nico081« (5. Oktober 2011, 20:12)
das Accusim Core update betrifft alle Flugzeuge AB der Spitfire.
Die ist quasi das erste Produkt einer "neuen Generation" von Accusim Flugzeugen.
Was technisch exakt dahintersteckt kann ich Dir leider nicht sagen, also was Accusim nun genau ist sozusagen.
Es ist aber eben (mal in einfachen evtl nicht ganz exakten Worten) ein kernprogramm, mittels dessen alle Addons ab der Spitfire "gesteuert" werden.
Die B377 und die B17 haben sozusagen noch ihre individuelle Motorsteuerung.
Dabei gehts aber um die Physik und Motoren im allgemeinen, also keine Angst, dass nun alle Flugzeuge den gleichen Motor drinhaben oder sich ähnlich verhalten.
Auch heißt das nicht, dass man nun alle Addons haben muss. Für den Kunden ändert sich eigentlich nicht viel, er kauft nach wie vor ein Addon und Accusim dazu.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Nico081« (21. Oktober 2011, 18:41)
Zitat von »Facebook«
"Its a manual machine for real gresse monkies, you can fiddle, tweak and play with her till she blows up in your face. No automatic systems here, its pull, push, flick and turn."
"[J]ets are full of automatic systems, as are the later fighters like the stang and even the spitfire has automatic systems. The p40 is really manually hardcore, complicated whilst simple. Strange and wonderful to fly."
[Quelle: Facebook]
Diese meine Aussage sei aber mit vorsicht zu geniessen, da ich mit der neuen AccuSim engine noch nicht so ganz durchgestiegen bin ...
Forensoftware: Burning Board® 3.0.24, entwickelt von WoltLab® GmbH