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Hier kann man die FS9-Version vorbestellen mit 5$ Rabatt.
Jüngste Info von VARMINT, den Admin des VRS-Forums:
We're looking at a late December release, but we'll have a SuperHornet sticking out of your stockings before Santa gets there.
Availability of the FSX version won't be before Q3 '09. Customers who purchase the FS9 version WILL receive a substantial discount on upgrades to the FSX version, however this will not be a free upgrade. It's taken far too long to get this version out the door, so we hope you understand it's just not possible.
New Video! Visit our friends at JaggyRoad Films to check out their latest teaser showcasing just one of the incredible new VRS SuperBug's features, along with just a sample of the amazing REX environment.
Bald sollte der Vogel in die virtuellen Läden kommen....
Ich freue mich richtig drauf, bin zwar kein F-18E-Fan, aber so einen toll umgesetzten Kampfjet hat man als FS9-User noch nicht gesehn!![]()
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »fleisch« (27. Dezember 2008, 10:52)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Glocke« (1. Januar 2009, 14:34)
Wenn ich beim Anflug die Klappen stufenweise herausfahren möchte, wie geht das? Auf die F7/F8-Taste reagiert das Gerät offenbar nur am Boden.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Glocke« (1. Januar 2009, 16:10)
Gibt es einen AI-Radar, wie ihn die aerosoftsche F-16 meines Wissens hat?
Quelle: VRS
Highly Realistic Sensor and Targeting Simulation
Short of actually shooting down AI aircraft, sensor and targeting systems are simulated just as their real-world counterparts. You can lock up AI aircraft and receive feedback to the HUD, radar and early warning systems, just as if you were in an electronic military exercise -- the only thing missing is the lethality. The radar simulation takes a number of factors into consideration, including signal strength (range), aspect angle, closing velocity (Doppler shift), and more. A total of 8 radar modes (4 primary and 4 ACM sub-modes) are simulated.
Brauchts Internet bei der Installation?
Du würdest mich und sicher auch einige andere weniger erfahrene (virtuelle) Kampfjetpiloten unendlich dankbar finden, wenn Du ein deutschsprachiges, bebildertes Tutorial verfassen würdest, mittels dessen man die VRS Super Hornet über das 2D-Panel
Barring any as yet unforeseen problems, SP1 should be released over the weekend (as late as Sunday). This patch will be delivered via ACM and a link will also be supplied. Those of you with pirated copies are also encouraged to download and install this patch.
The current public changelist is as follows:
[fix] Alleviated auto-pilot tenancy to pitch up/down upon [any] pitch mode engagement. [X]
[fix] FCES lamp improperly shaded. [X]
[fix] Inner (LI/RI) EXT tanks were not correctly taking on fuel during IFR operations. [X]
[fix] A transitory drop in N2 RPM at certain altitudes and throttle settings was causing the generators to momentarily trip offline.[X]
[fix] HSI CPL WPT/TCN/SEQ labels were inconsistent with A/P mode. (coupled mode wasn't disengaging when switching steering modes) [X]
[fix] Fixed uncommanded inverted roll. [X]
[fix] Lite RDDI cautions were not correctly colored [X]
[fix] Landing lights were not working consistently, particularly in fog. [X]
[fix] Takeoff trim is now completely independent of MSFS trim and should now operate as intended. [X]
[fix] Events window should now be completely hidden in windowed mode. [X]
[fix] VC compass not matching heading (HUD) [X]
[fix] ACM "timeout" message on main download despite a successful download stored in ACM folder.
[fix] Bug was preventing certain electrical (armed type) failures from firing. [X]
[fix] Resolved an issue with texture blurring on external VSTABs in 2D (no VC) configurations. [X]
[change] Ground power should power most systems now including LT TEST. [X]
[change] Removed residual force feedback settings from aircraft.cfg. In theory it should not be necessary to disable force feedback in FS9 just for the 'Bug. [X]
[change] Fire test now works on battery power alone. [X]
[change] HUD Peak G now remains permanently once G exceeds 4.0. Peak G can be reset by cycling HUD REJ switch. [X]
[change] HUD courseline steering arrow and dots will now remain gear down (still removed WonW). [X]
[change] APU accumulator pressure should now be sufficient to start the APU at least twice without HYD2A before recharging becomes necessary. [X]
[change] Exclude E-JETT from master arm and/or gear down restrictions. [X]
[change] Based on new info, the HUD AOA bracket now operates over 3x its previous range (7.2 degrees), providing improved AOA trend information. [X]
[change] HSI waypoint symbology will remain regardless of steering mode as long as a valid waypoint/FP exists. [X]
[change] Waypoint bearing pointer will now point towards the rose rather than away from it. [X]
[change] All textures now feature more realistic Federal Standard colors. [X]
[feature] Added CG (longitudinal) pct to CHK page to aid in catapult end speed calculation. [X]
[feature] Various optimizations (dozens) were made in order to squeeze out a few extra frames. [X]
[feature] The ACM will now automatically backup and time stamp all ACM downloads. These will be located in the Backup folder inside the aircraft folder. [X]
[feature] Add day ID strobe light to NG. Works with strobes OFF, WoffW, gear down. [X]
[feature] Added additional, older VFA-137 CAG paint. [X]
[feature] Added additional VFA-106 CO bird. [X]
[feature] New, most excellent afterburner effects by Adam. [X]
[feature] ACM will now automatically check to see if a current version of FSUIPC is installed. [X]
[no solution] Top half of AOA indexer in VC is bleeding through under some weird circumstances. (could not duplicate).
[no solution] 2D Lookdown crash (RAM limitations assumed).