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Freitag, 26. August 2011, 14:00

Hmm, dan sage ich schon mal danke. :thumbsup:

Was war den am Orginalen so verkehrt, wenn man fragen darf?
Mein System: i7-3770K @4.5GHz dank WaKü; DZ77GA-70K; GTX 560Ti Direct CUII; 8GB Corsair RAM; 2x500GB WD Festplatten

DLH A340/600

Airbus Kutscher

wcf.user.posts: 812


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Freitag, 26. August 2011, 16:44


Habe auch mal eine FRAGE zu dem Paint Kit !!!
Wie genau bekomme Ich die Fusen erstellt für den FSX, habe das Paintkit entpackt pmdg_7378NGX_fuselage_master im Photoshop geladen.
Unter der Ebene Paint Layer habe Ich auch schon was erstellt , aber wie geht das jetzt weiter ??
Bin mit PMDG Paint Kits nicht vertraut also für Tipps bin Ich Dankbar.

Mit Besten Grüssen


Pilot in Command

wcf.user.posts: 187

Wohnort: Biedermannsdorf / Wien

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Samstag, 27. August 2011, 15:34

Hmm, dan sage ich schon mal danke. :thumbsup:

Was war den am Orginalen so verkehrt, wenn man fragen darf?

Die Farben haben etwas komisch gewirkt, das Tail war komplett falsch (hat wie ein Osterei ausgesehen), die Enginetextur war auch komplett falsch (www im Hintergrund wurde vergessen und hatte falsche Schriftart). Außerdem wurde eine Kleinigkeit im VC "gepimpt" - ist zwar echt nur eine Kleinigkeit, aber as real as it gets :thumbsup: :

Liebe Grüße


Samstag, 27. August 2011, 16:37

Malt vielleicht jemand mal eine schöne Australian 737-900 (ohne WL)?

Viele Grüße aus Berlin, Oliver



wcf.user.posts: 600

Wohnort: EDPD

Beruf: Schlosser, Industrie/KFZ-Lackierer

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Samstag, 27. August 2011, 18:25

Genauso wie bei der airberlin! Da ist ja fast alles falsch bis auf die Schriftart! Traurig :nein: vorallem der painter von PMDG kann es ja siehe Tuifly oder so!

Lg Chris

DLH A340/600

Airbus Kutscher

wcf.user.posts: 812


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Montag, 29. August 2011, 22:43

Hab mal einfach so ein bissel drauf Los gepaintet .

Mit Besten Grüssen


Sonntag, 4. September 2011, 00:21

Ein Statement von Robert Randazzo zu den kommenden Updates:



I want to take a few moments to give you guys a quick update on some things we have pending for you. This might be a bit long, and if I don't answer your specific question, I apologize- but I am sure there will be more updates as we roll up on some of the dates described below- we'll likely get to it in one of the updates!

This has been a key development priority during the past few weeks with about 14-16hrs of engineering time being devoted to helping those customers with activation issues each day. We have found that the vast majority of customers having activation problems can be resolved by our support team and by verifying a few basic items in their setup including:

Make certain you have FSX SP2 installed.
Make certain your BIOS and Windows clocks are accurate and current.

If you have trouble beyond this, reach out to the support team and we'll see if we can't get you fixed up.

There is another issue that prevents some folks from being able to activate, and we feel that it will be resolved shortly, as the issue has finally been identified. An engineering solution is in the works.

(For those of you who have been patiently waiting on this issue, and for those of you who we have worked with via technical support- THANK YOU! Your feedback and input is the reason why this item is finally about to be resolved!)

Service Pack:
We have been collecting (from here in the forum and via technical support) items for tweaking, fixing and research since the NGX released. We are planning a very large update to be released on 23SEP11. (DATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE)

The primary focus of the SP is to eliminate the remaining sources of freezes that are being reported. We feel that a significant amount of progress has been made in this regard. We are also focused on a few key issues that came to light after release- and then of course there will be the usual tweaking that we inevitably engage in during the post release process.

This service pack will not add much functionality, but it will refine quite a bit of stuff, smooth out some rough edges and correct a few errors. In addition it will make the product able to support the 737-600/700...

PMDG 737-600/700 NGX Expansion:
We had originally planned to release this expansion near the end of August but we moved all development resources to dealing with activation issues and customers reporting freezes so this product shifted out a bit on the calendar. Right now we are looking at two dates for the release of this package (SUBJECT TO CHANGE). I would like the release to happen concurrently with the SP1, but we may hold it for one additional week in order to accomplish a few things. We'll keep you posted!

Technical Support:
I know it isn't appropriate to brag, but I want to take a few moments to publicly thank Ryan and Paul for the work they have accomplished on behalf of customers during the past few weeks. Since we are on a ticket based system, it is easy for me to look at raw data on customer support performance.

Since the NGX released on 04AUG, the average response time for tickets has been 5:13. That is pretty darn good, when you consider that the NGX is already the best selling product in PMDG's history.

Most of the support requests were easily resolved issues, but a few have been more protracted. I hope that those of you who we have been able to help are enjoying the NGX.

Okay- enjoy your weekend- we are hard at work for you!


8GB DDR-3, Core i7 860 @ 3,7 GHz, ATI HD 5830


Pilot in Command

wcf.user.posts: 187

Wohnort: Biedermannsdorf / Wien

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Sonntag, 4. September 2011, 02:41

Nachdem eine airberlin Livery mehrfach gewünscht wurde, hab ich mich mal drangesetzt (Selbstmord!). Gar nicht so einfach, die Linien so hinzubekommen, wie man es haben will, da sich die Linien mehrfach mit der Bellytextur schneiden und dies die Arbeit erheblich erschwert.

Kleiner Previewshot:

Liebe Grüße


Freitag, 23. September 2011, 09:50

Soll heute nicht das NGX SP erscheinen?
Gruß Steffen


Freitag, 23. September 2011, 10:24

Mein System: i7-3770K @4.5GHz dank WaKü; DZ77GA-70K; GTX 560Ti Direct CUII; 8GB Corsair RAM; 2x500GB WD Festplatten


Freitag, 23. September 2011, 10:29

war PMDG schonmal pünktlich? :weg:

endlich Berliner! :lol:
i7 930@4.2Ghz WaKü, GTX 580 3GB, 12GbRAM1600, Win10 64 Prof


Freitag, 23. September 2011, 11:03

Etwa nicht :rolleyes: , die nächsten Upgrade Packs wollen doch aber auch verkauft werden ;).
Gruß Steffen


Freitag, 23. September 2011, 11:32

Es ist jetzt inetwa 4 Uhr morgens in dem Land wo PMDG seinen Sitz hat. Dieses merkwürdige Phenomen nennt sich Zeitverschiebung. ;)
Mein System: i7-3770K @4.5GHz dank WaKü; DZ77GA-70K; GTX 560Ti Direct CUII; 8GB Corsair RAM; 2x500GB WD Festplatten


Freitag, 23. September 2011, 11:38

Ach, ist jetzt nicht so, das ich darauf warte. Auf die NGX selbst haben wir ja auch den ein oder anderen Tag länger gewartet :). Mir fiel nur vorhin ein, dass ja der 23.09. genannt wurde.
Gruß Steffen


Samstag, 24. September 2011, 11:48

News zum SP



We are very (very) close to having a completed SP1 for the PMDG 737NGX, but it is not going to release tonight as originally hoped. (Reminder: The 23SEP projected date had a "subject to change" disclaimer on it!)

The SP1 is a bit of a moving target because we want to make certain that it and the PMDG 737NGX 6700 are fully in sync with one another in order to simplify everyone's lives. The current plan is to release the SP1 and then follow it shortly there-after with the 6700 expansion. As we started wrapping up the SP1, we decided to add in a few more tweaks and fixes that simply require more testing in order to ensure that they are where we want them at the time you install...

One of the features that we are working that isn't yet complete is an applet that will allow users to tune up-or-down the visual detail level with the click of a button. We feel that this will give you greater flexibility to run the simulation the way that best matches your hardware- and it prevents us from having to pigeon-hole everyone into one level of visual detail.

(Ryan has been pushing hard to make this happen for you guys- so please help me in blaming him for the extra work. Posted Image )

As of right now, I think we are probably looking at Friday, 01OCT for the SP1 release with the 6700 concurrent or shortly afterward. (AS ALWAYS: SUBJECT TO CHANGE)

One suggestion that we have seen you guys make over and over is for PMDG to jump on the software industry trend of offering you all live fixes "as we make them" so that those who want the latest and greatest can always have it.

(I know with some of the software I use in my day-to-day life, I enjoy getting the interim fixes without having to wait for the service packs- so this request has caught our eye. Once again we can Ryan for bringing this concept to the teams attention and then pushing back on my initial resistance in order to get you guys something you'll like...)

This being the case we are going to make available a new HotFix for you during the day, Saturday. This hotfix will update you with a significant portion of the fixes and enhancements that are coming with the service pack. This hotfix focuses primarily on the things that are code-based and as such your dlls will get updated to the most current versions as of Wednesday 21SEP.

We think that these updates *should* kill any freezing problems that folks might still be having- which is another good reason to roll them out to you right away even if the SP1 will be held off a bit...

The hotfix is around 44MB in size... The SP1 will be significantly larger because it will include some artwork changes, a visual detail configuration applet, new VC models, etc...

I know a few of you were really hoping to have the SP1 and the 6700 this weekend, but you'll get them shortly, I promise! We just want to make sure that we have them the way we want them before release!

Okay- I'll be back with you on Saturday with download information for the hotfix! (Reminder: I'm in US PDT so I'm talking about MY Saturday!)

endlich Berliner! :lol:
i7 930@4.2Ghz WaKü, GTX 580 3GB, 12GbRAM1600, Win10 64 Prof


Sonntag, 25. September 2011, 11:12


endlich Berliner! :lol:
i7 930@4.2Ghz WaKü, GTX 580 3GB, 12GbRAM1600, Win10 64 Prof


Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011, 21:47

Neues 737 NGX Tutorial auf erhältlich

Auch hier fürs Forum nochmal der Hinweis:

Auf avsim gibts ein tolles neues tutorial mit reichlich verständnisfördernden Zusatzinfos. Das Dokument ist von Tom Risager und auf englisch verfasst.

Einfach in der file library folgendes in die Suchfunktion eingeben: ""



Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011, 21:52

Merci :thumbup:

Und hier gleich der Direktlink gleich hin


Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011, 21:55

Hast recht ;) ,

allerdings dachte ich an viele Leser die keinen account bei avsim haben, dann führt der link vorerst ins Nirvana :D

Oder irre ich?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Nico081« (11. Oktober 2011, 21:56)


Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011, 22:18

Ohne Registrierung kommst du nicht in die Library, wurscht ob verlinkt oder suchend ;)


Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011, 22:42

Nene, lieber diesen hier :bier:


Samstag, 15. Oktober 2011, 12:22

Mal wieder Verspätung ... :D

PMDG Forum



While I had hoped we would release both the SP1 and the 6700 to you tonight, we are unfortunately a bit behind schedule as a result of an unruly travel schedule on my end...

The day after my last update to you, I went on the road for what was supposed to be a 2 day trip to inspect an airplane, but turned into a week as a result of a family emergency. This put me significantly behind the curve on my cleanup items for the SP1 and the 6700, so the rest of the team has been mostly finished while I continue to play catch up.

While most of you know us primarily through our posts or replies to support tickets, each of us at PMDG has a family, parents, children, spouses, etc- and any time one of the members of the team has a family "issue" come up, I am always eager to remind them to worry about their family first and PMDG second. (As a chief pilot I took a significant amount of criticism from senior management for having this kind of view, but I never once found a guy/gal who would abuse it, so it is an approach we take at PMDG as well.)

One of the guys gave me a blunt, but polite reminder of this policy when I expressed concern about being out of circulation as a result of unexpected surgery my father was scheduled to have but he was correct: I was needed someplace else.

So- right now we are running about a week behind where we thought we would be. Tomorrow we are kicking what we expect to be the final SP1 and 600/700 beta versions out to the beta team- and then we'll be looking at release dates HOPEFULLY toward the end of the coming week... (20OCT or so...<Standard Disclaimer Applies>)

We are still working a few important items, but none that I anticipate will hold us up for release. (Famous last words! whoops!)

This weekend I will update this post with a list of items that we have currently corrected in SP1. It is around 150+ specific items and another 50 or so that are non-specific fixes. (I'll explain what I mean by that in the update.)

So stay tuned to this thread during the weekend and I'll add a bunch of information to this post!

Sorry for the additional holdup, everyone.

endlich Berliner! :lol:
i7 930@4.2Ghz WaKü, GTX 580 3GB, 12GbRAM1600, Win10 64 Prof


Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011, 18:53

A quick look at the 737-600



As you may know, the wide beta team has had their poorly groomed mitts all over the shorter 600/700 series package this week.

I thought I might talk to you about an oft-forgotten model in the 737 family.

It's so... stubby...

The humble 737-600 looks a little out-of-proportion nowadays, what with the longer -800's now comprising the majority of the 737 fleet worldwide. It's easy to forget that the very successful 737-200 was in fact about the same length. For a variety of reasons, the shorter format is no longer the preferred one and so the -600 is something of a rarity with only about 70 produced.

I've found that after a few days flying the -600 around my native New Zealand, I've come to love this little airplane.

It's true that the systems on the flight deck will be visually quite familiar to the 800/900 drivers, though there are subtle changes for you to learn about.

What has really appealed to me, though, is the performance. When New Zealand's dozen or so provincial airports established sealed runways in the 50's and 60's, the length was determined by the need to handle the F-27 and the 737-200. All the runways ended up being about 1,300-1,400 meters long as a result. Even today, a few runway extensions aside, much of provincial NZ is still served by 1,300m strips, and are thus off limits to the bigger 737/a320 traffic.

I've been making amends for that this week, at moderate to lower weights, the -600 slots in and out of these runways with complete ease. Tonight I was conducting a test at zero payload on a 230nm sector from Tauranga to Woodbourne and I took these snaps to hghlight the excellent performance of the -600.

Moments after passing 10,000ft the nose is coming down as the speed picks up. Even so, check out the flight path vector symbol: the aircraft is climbing at an angle of nearly 10 degrees, equating to nearly 5000FPM! Passing through FL310 not long after, the rate of climb was still about 2000FPM.

Short finals into Woodbourne. Note that approach speed of 112kts!

In short (excuse the pun), there's a lot for you to look forward to in these new models.


EDIT: For those who are interested, the scenery is a combination of "Real NZ" airports and "Vector Land Class" scenery packages. If you are a kiwi simmer or enjoy the beauty of NZ, you owe it to yourself to try it out, excellent work!

Quelle: PMDG Forum

8GB DDR-3, Core i7 860 @ 3,7 GHz, ATI HD 5830


Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011, 18:59

Je kürzer, je besser

Nur mal um ganz banal die reine Optik zu beurteilen:
Ich muss echt sagen, die 737 finde ich formschöner, je kürzer sie ist. Ich freu mich auf die kürzere Version. Die schlanken Jet-Triebwerke der -100 oder-200 der früheren Seriennummern haben bei mir ganz klar das Krönchen auf. :erster:


Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011, 19:15

Ein richtiges Schlabberobjekt wären ja wirklich die alten Uhrenläden ...

Sicherlich wäre das etlicher Aufwand für PMDG, aber generell wahrscheinlich weit weniger als eine totale Neuentwicklung ...

Aber gut ... ist ja nur ein (unerfüllbarer) Traum und wird dies auch bleiben ...

endlich Berliner! :lol:
i7 930@4.2Ghz WaKü, GTX 580 3GB, 12GbRAM1600, Win10 64 Prof


Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2011, 21:26

"Yeah... We aren't quite finished yet... "



Well- further reinforcement of why PMDG has always taken the policy stance that we do not provide release dates....

We have been spending some time trying to nail down a few items that we aren't quite happy with- and looking at the current state of the SP1 update (which the 600/700 depends upon) as subjectively as possible, I just can't eliminate that nagging sensation that it needs a bit more time in testing.

So tonight I have decided to withdraw the pending release of SP1 and push it forward. I think it will only be a matter of days, given what we are looking at- but then again I thought that three weeks ago so at this point lets just say you'll have it about one hour after we think it is ready...

For the most part the items that we are working on are resolved, but we want them to get more time with the testing team to make certain we didn't break something accidentally with the last few fixes.

The only major outstanding item that I would consider to be problematic is the method we are using to interface with the Saitek rudder hardware. None of us on the team own this particular piece of hardware, but we are getting complaints back from the few members of our testing team that the methods we used to improve the autobrake performance have essentially left the saitek users in the cold... I ordered a pair of them about an hour ago so that I can get a set in-house so that we can see if there is a workaround that will allow us to keep the advanced and highly realistic functionality of the autobrake system while also meeting the needs of customers using the Saitek hardware. From experience I can tell you that the problem is likely in the exceptionally poor design methodology used by FSX to manage functionality such as brakes... It never ceases to amaze me that a product designed/built in 2006 is still using some hackneyed methods that were first used in FS4.0 or earlier... but I don't want to go off on a rant who's roots predates the birthdates of many folks here. Posted Image

For those of you highly interested in the release of the PMDG 737-600/700, that product is effectively finished and there is only one minor outstanding item being smoothed out with that product. It depends upon the SP1 release, however- so the two will follow close-in-trail!

Okay- so as of this moment I am going back to our long standing policy of not guessing release dates. As you can see it is a waste of time if (like PMDG) your primary concern is product quality rather than imaginary limits placed on calendars... We just don't like the pressure it puts on the development team to meet the imaginary limits- and it isn't any fun to come here and tell you that we are moving the date again...

Welcome back to kvetching about how PMDG never tells you anything. I'm betting it takes < :30 before someone clubs me for it. Posted Image

Back with you guys shortly...

(Oh -and Ryan promised he'd edit up the the change list for the SP1, but he's been too busy to follow through... <sound of bus running over Ryan> Really... Wasn't my fault it didn't get posted. Nope... nosirreee..... hey Ryan, what are you doing under that bus, anyway? )


8GB DDR-3, Core i7 860 @ 3,7 GHz, ATI HD 5830


Samstag, 29. Oktober 2011, 07:50

Seit ein paar Stunden ist der Servicepack 1 verfügbar.
Nähere Informationen gibt es hier.
Der Download ist hier zu finden hier.

Es sind nun auch die 600 und 700 Varianten der NG verfügbar.
Nähere Informationen gibt es hier.
Zuschlagen kann man hier.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »xxJohnxx« (29. Oktober 2011, 08:26)


Samstag, 29. Oktober 2011, 08:06

Link zu "nähere Informationen" ist kaputt. ;)
| Intel i7 5930K @4.25 Ghz | 32GB DDR4-3400 | Asus STRIX X99 Gaming | STRIX GTX 1080 SLI OC'd |
| Oculus Rift CV1 | TrackIR 5 | Slaw USAF Pedals | Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog | Obutto r3volution |

Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it...