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Samstag, 28. Mai 2011, 10:19


Samstag, 28. Mai 2011, 12:43

Die Liverys sehen jetzt aber nicht sooo viel besser aus als von anderen Herstellern.
Prozessor: Intel(R) Core(TM)Quad CPU i7-860 @ 2.67GHz, Grafik: Nvidia GTX 285, Ram: 6GB, Betriebssystem: Win7 64bit, FSX SP2


Samstag, 28. Mai 2011, 12:54

Das sollte man auch, wie so viel Anderes, erst beurteilen können, wenn man entweder Bilder in voller Auflösung zur Verfügung, oder die Kiste in seinem FSX hat.


Sonntag, 29. Mai 2011, 14:08

Und weil es so schön ist, hier ein aktuelles Video zum Thema Cockpitbeleuchtung:


Der Flieger


wcf.user.posts: 345

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Sonntag, 29. Mai 2011, 14:23

Das ist echt beeindruckend! Ich glaube allerdings, dass ich dann ein eigenes Tutorial brauche, nur um zum "Licht einschalten"...:D
MfG Sebastian S.


Sonntag, 29. Mai 2011, 14:41

Das kannst dann sicher in gedruckter Form kaufen! :weg:
| Intel i7 5930K @4.25 Ghz | 32GB DDR4-3400 | Asus STRIX X99 Gaming | STRIX GTX 1080 SLI OC'd |
| Oculus Rift CV1 | TrackIR 5 | Slaw USAF Pedals | Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog | Obutto r3volution |

Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it...


Sonntag, 29. Mai 2011, 14:56

Die Liverys sehen jetzt aber nicht sooo viel besser aus als von anderen Herstellern.

Blasphemie,STEINIGT IHN...!

p.s. das VC sieht ja GENIAL aus :thumbup:
...runter kommen SIE ALLE



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Sonntag, 29. Mai 2011, 15:36

Die Show geht weiter... Bildchen und Filmchen... und Leute mit Pawlowschem Reflex... aber kein Produkt. Scherz :bier:
Andreas R. Schmidt
Potsdam und Riga



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Sonntag, 29. Mai 2011, 16:22

Mir läuft jetzt noch das Wasser im Munde zusammen, wenn ich an das Steak denke das mein Nachbar heute gegessen hat. :lol2: Aber PMDG, da bleibe ich erst einmal :gringo: :bier:
ASUS GameStar Notebook G73J, i7-720QM, ATI HD5870

best regards, Dietmar :tag:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »DIDL« (29. Mai 2011, 16:23)



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Sonntag, 29. Mai 2011, 17:47

Weiß jemand ob die Maschine mit Dynamischen APU-Sounds kommt? Von External-Sound gabs aber noch nicht so viele (keine?) Videos :hm:


Mittwoch, 1. Juni 2011, 23:02

Was für ein schöner Thread, geile Kommentare :lol2:

NGX Sub Forum

ein paar Auszüge:


The NGX sub-forum will be open when it's ready to be open


The forum is still in beta. :Big Grin:


Yes, it's "coming soon" :P haha :LMAO:


A video of the new forum will be posted later today.


I think i've seen some pics of the Reply-Button somewhere


endlich Berliner! :lol:
i7 930@4.2Ghz WaKü, GTX 580 3GB, 12GbRAM1600, Win10 64 Prof


Mittwoch, 1. Juni 2011, 23:29

Wirst sehen, da kommen noch verschiedene Liveries für den Reply Button, bevor das Forum aufmacht... :weg:
| Intel i7 5930K @4.25 Ghz | 32GB DDR4-3400 | Asus STRIX X99 Gaming | STRIX GTX 1080 SLI OC'd |
| Oculus Rift CV1 | TrackIR 5 | Slaw USAF Pedals | Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog | Obutto r3volution |

Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it...



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wcf.user.posts: 2 426

Wohnort: Potsdam, Deutschland und Riga, Lettland

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Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011, 00:06

So langsam wird´s wirklich zur Lach-Nummer... :D
Andreas R. Schmidt
Potsdam und Riga



wcf.user.posts: 600

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Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011, 05:51

Bla bla bla irgendwie nur bla bla bla :angryfire: so dass ich keine lust zum fliegen habe erst wen (dass) (NGX) releasd wird . ich hole mir lieber :fridge: ne flasche Bier :bier: . Und genies dass schöne Wetter ! :sonne:

Lg Chris


Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011, 09:31

Definitiv gute Idee. Mit einer gesunden Portion Real Life vergehen Wartezeiten auf Spielereleases generell recht schnell. :yes:
| Intel i7 5930K @4.25 Ghz | 32GB DDR4-3400 | Asus STRIX X99 Gaming | STRIX GTX 1080 SLI OC'd |
| Oculus Rift CV1 | TrackIR 5 | Slaw USAF Pedals | Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog | Obutto r3volution |

Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it...



wcf.user.posts: 600

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Montag, 6. Juni 2011, 22:46


Tonight I finished filming the video sequences I need to show you some cool features of the upcoming PMDG 737NGX, so I imagine I'll be spending some time editing them into a YouTube-able video once I clean them up and reshoot any sequences that I goofed up the first time through...

I think you will like what we have in store for you with these updates, as both show some aspects of the airplane that you will really enjoy!

As amazing as it seems, I had planned to shoot this video two weeks ago, but the non-stop effort to get the NGX into release candidate mode takes priority over just about everything these days. Currently the work-schedule is about 18hrs per day, so taking myself out of circulation for a day to shoot and edit videos isn't a great use of my time. The work debugging my deliverables is beginning to slow down however- so with some good fortune I'll have more time to show you some of the systems in depth now.

We are still holding the wide beta team on ice- as we have a few things that we just didn't feel were ready for release. We could have kicked off the wide beta test just to be able to throw down an announcement in the forum- but at the end of the day we just don't see the value in rushing the airplane into the final verification phase when we have something we know isn't working the way we want.

On a positive note- we have VNAV operating about as close to the actual airplane as it can get. VNAV is, after all, the primary pitch mode used by airline crews around the world and it *must* perform as expected or the sense of "being there" gets destroyed. One of the beautiful things about VNAV is the intelligent way that it manages the airplane through climbs and descents while providing speed protections and accurate predictions by which the airplane is flown in order to reach the altitudes that define the vertical path of flight.

At PMDG we have always taken great pride on our LNAV/VNAV model, but I have to tell you that this new implementation blows the doors off of anything you have seen to date. The predictive methodology is so accurate that we were able to verify with Boeing that, in the real world the 737-800 Winglet airplane is significantly more slippery in the descent than any of her sisters. We're talking about differences of 1/10th of a degree of descent slope, but the aerodynamic forces at play on the 800 in flight are nearly perfectly simulated in the NGX. Our VNAV model is able to handle this with aplomb and the airplane flies smoothly, on speed without throwing any strange behaviors or unexpected deviations at you, the pilot.

VNAV is *the* go-to pitch mode in the real world- and you'll get the same benefits of reliability and stability with the NGX.

One of the other "cool" features that was implemented this week was the final version of the electrical production/consumption model. Most FS addons simplify the behavior of the electrical system on the airplane because it is VERY hard to come by the data required to do such a system in great depth.

On the PMDG 737NGX, however we have a fully simulated electrical cycles/volts/amps model that you can play with in many different ways. The most obvious way to see the model at work is to turn equipment on/off while watching the amperage demand change on the overhead electrical meter.

Every item on this airplane consumes some amount of amperage, and we have them modeled accurately out to the 1/1000th of an amp, based on the airplane's certification data.

Don't let this spook you- however, as the airplane is designed to be operated without the pilots having in-depth knowledge of the aircraft systems. But this detail level provides you with what is simply the most accurate simulation of the airplane...

Want a silly example? Okay- try this on for size:

The hydraulic Electric Motor Driven Pump (EMDP) consumes a WHOPPING 7.824 amps of energy while running. But, if the same-side engine driven pump (EDP) fails or is shut down, the EMDP is left carrying a much greater workload to keep the associated hydraulic system running, so the energy consumption increases by 4.3amps to a grand total of 12.124 amps!

This is a stunning amount of electrical consumption- and if you are watching the amperage load on the electrical meter, you will see this change take place just as it does on the airplane.

Why is this important to model? Well, it gives you the depth of simulation experience that we all crave. The reality is that 99% of users will never notice this type of detail or have it negatively impact them in flight- but if you wanted to sit down with your real-world flight manuals- the NGX is going to act just like your manuals tell you the airplane should behave....

But the TRULY nice thing about our detail, verification and testing process is that we are going to be delivering an airplane to you that is easy, dependable and FUN to fly- because it won't go wandering off in unpredictable ways, thus destroying your enjoyment of the 737 flying experience.

Now- as for our release timetable- we have the window narrowed down pretty significantly- but we are still tweaking/tuning and refining- so we have a few more weeks at least. Once the wide beta team starts operating the airplane, we are VERY close to release- but for now my instinct tells me that we need just a bit more polish before we push her out to them...

Stay tuned- I will give you updates as we go- but please don't panic if you don't hear from me. It simply means we are busy!

Oh- one last item for those that like numbers: We are up to 610 total issues reported, with only 35 remaining unresolved at this point- so the "delta" is headed in the right direction. I looked through the open items list a few moments ago- and there are very few "big" issues pending. Most of the outstanding issue reports are for very fine detail items and options between various airline equipment. We are very close now...

Robert S. Randazzo

Precision Manuals Development Group


Lg Chris



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Montag, 6. Juni 2011, 23:18

Beta flight !

lg Chris

ps. Turkish

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »MaddogChris« (6. Juni 2011, 23:21)


Montag, 6. Juni 2011, 23:50

Naja, irgendwie klingt das neueste Statement von Capt. Randazzo nicht ganz so positiv. Klar sind die Features beeindruckend und machen "Appetit" aber zwischen den Zeilen kann man ganz klar herauslesen, dass die Maschine noch nicht ganz rund läuft.

Bleibt wohl nur eins: abwarten und (Eis-)tee trinken. Mittlerweile stelle ich mich auf Juli ein.

i7-2600K (derzeit nicht übertaktet), Noctua NH-14 CPU-Kühler, ASUS P8P67 Deluxe Mainboard, 8 GB DDR3-1333 RAM, Nvidia GTX560, Windows 7 Professionell (64bit), FSX SP2



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Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011, 06:44

Und was bitte schön soll dieser grobe Schwachfug jetzt?

...Mittlerweile stelle ich mich auf Juli ein.

2012 oder 13? :weg:


Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011, 08:23

Und was bitte schön soll dieser grobe Schwachfug jetzt?

Und wie sollen wir hier diese patzige Frage verstehen???

Es ist doch nicht ganz so schwer, den Zusammenhang zwischen Text (Betaflug) und Link (zeigt den Betaflug) herzustellen?!
Warum also so eine agressive Frage???

endlich Berliner! :lol:
i7 930@4.2Ghz WaKü, GTX 580 3GB, 12GbRAM1600, Win10 64 Prof



wcf.user.posts: 52

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Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011, 08:47

In Ordnung, meine Zitatauswahl war alles andere als glücklich, die habe ich auch kurz danach gleich bereut. Es ging definitiv nicht in Richtung MaddogChris.

Der Blödsinn steckt für mich hinter dem Link. Ein Vatsim Tracking Protokoll, toll.

:ironie: Sollten wir für alle Airliner-Addon-Hersteller künftig obligatorisch zum Nachweis ihrer Beta-Tests einführen.

Also mal ehrlich... Was soll das? Vor allem weil hinter her so schön nachprüfbar. :weg:


Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011, 08:54

Jens, alles klar.

ich denke nun aber nicht, dass es einerseits ein großer Erlkönig-Abschuß war, die NGX auf VATSIM zu entdecken, und andrerseits, bzw. deswegen, weil PMDG ja überhaupt kein großes Geheimnis draus macht.

Ja, sie sind seit ein paar Wochen im Betatest und da gehören Onlineflüge natürlich dazu.
Wäre schlimm, wenn nicht.

Grade gehts darum wann der Vogel ins sog. "Wider Beta Team" komt, welches nur noch die Installer etc überprüft.
Was dann wirklich den Release schon greifbar machen soll.

Mit Juli liegt man evtl gar nicht soooo schlecht, denke ich. Wenn man sich auf Ende Juli einstellt... :weg:

In der Zwischenzeit mal wieder ein Video.
Viel Spaß


endlich Berliner! :lol:
i7 930@4.2Ghz WaKü, GTX 580 3GB, 12GbRAM1600, Win10 64 Prof



wcf.user.posts: 1 555

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Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011, 11:33

Interessant, dass beim Auswählen der Analogen Standby-Instrumente deren Kühlung zu hören ist (0:50) oder täusch ich mich da?


Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011, 15:15

Nein, das hab ich auch gehört...
| Intel i7 5930K @4.25 Ghz | 32GB DDR4-3400 | Asus STRIX X99 Gaming | STRIX GTX 1080 SLI OC'd |
| Oculus Rift CV1 | TrackIR 5 | Slaw USAF Pedals | Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog | Obutto r3volution |

Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it...


Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011, 19:10

An Interesting Question and Answer about Failures Modeling from the Avsim PMDG Forum


Will the NGX feature a persistant damage model? At the moment my most add-ons are Marcel Feldes Katana 4x, A2A Spitfire and B17 and IRIS F-14 and that is only because they include a maintenance hangar, persistant damage modelling (and calculated damage/failures according to usage) and in the case of the Tomcat, compressor stalls. Are failures in the NGX done in the way they are in the MD-11 and previous PMDG products (random, timed and set) or are there new features ot look forward to? If the NGX can include things like compressor stalls, turbine flame-puts (when facing downwind upon start) and a 'maintenance hangar' which makes you 'take care' of your plane, then you certainly have my vote.... Also hydraulic leaks and burst tires from hard landings would be nice... Also I noticed on the customization video that you can set the brakes package.... so, in the spirit of this post, are brake fires modelled and thermodynamic laws respected? -MJ


There's a realistic mean-time-between-failure model for everything in the plane that can be enabled in addition to timed, random and instantaneous failures. The model is based on the real life NG maintenance data.

As we've said before on the engine start issue, we're not doing the kinds of things you mentioned because quite frankly they don't happen on modern high bypass turbofans with EECs - we tried as hard as we could in a real level-D simulator to get engine start problems to happen by intentionally abusing it, doing stuff with the wind like that etc, and we couldn't do it. All our real world crews have never had issues during start either - the CFM56-7B is an incredibly reliable engine. You'd have to have a totally unrealistic amount of airflow through the back of the engine to do anything to it like what you're asking about here really. Keep in mind too that someone who is in charge of maintaining real fleets at a major airline is a member of our team - if he says this stuff doesn't happen to these engines, you can take it to the bank, even without the sim testing and stuff.

Engine compressor stalls are actually something I've already asked the programming team about - no guarantees but it would be cool, I agree.

The PMDG 737NGX Failures Page

There's no physical "hangar" or anything like that for doing maintenance in, sorry. A modern airliner is not like a simple GA plane or an old warbird where you change some fluids and check tire pressure and stuff like that - it's a huge team of people (an entire department of the company in fact) who do airliner maintenance at real airlines. Please don't take this the wrong way - it's not because we're incapable of programming stuff like this or don't want to, it's just that the kinds of things that are actually done in airliner maintenance don't really make any sense for the pilot to be sitting there pretending to do. We do have to draw the line somewhere with this product - it's already an incredibly deep simulation of the systems of the airplane - everyone will see when it's released.

There is a fully consistent thermodynamic model not only for the brakes, but for the cabin air, the wing duct air, the engine EGT and so on. Here's a fun failure - overheat the brakes on landing and then take right back off again and retract the gear. You now have a realistic chance of the heat soak from the brakes causing a wheel well fire. Our failures are all dynamic like this - one can cascade and lead to others, which is definitely not a common feature in FS addons. This isn't a simple "on/off" system like many addons do at all.



8GB DDR-3, Core i7 860 @ 3,7 GHz, ATI HD 5830

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »crazy pilot« (7. Juni 2011, 19:17)


Dritter im Cockpit

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Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2011, 18:28

Was für die Fans der 2D-Panel-Fliegerei:

Zitat von »Facebook«

[Quelle: Facebook]
mit Fliegergrüßen,
Jan / Flugingenieur

Coolermaster CM 690 II USB3 | Thermaltake Toughpower Grand 650 W | msi Z77A-GD65 | Intel Core i5 3570K OC @ 4x 4,2 GHz | Scythe Mugen III | Kingston HyperX blu 8 GB RAM | Gainward GeForce GTX 670 Phantom 2048 MB | Samsung 830 SSD 128 GB [OS] | Samsung 830 SSD 256 GB [FS] | Seagate Barracuda 1 TB HDD [Daten] | Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bits)


Pilot in Command

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Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011, 14:51

Na das sieht ja super aus! :)
Liebe Grüße


767 - What else?

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Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011, 18:27

Das sieht echt toll aus. :) Bin ja mal gespannt, wie sie sich letztendlich im FSX verhält in Hinsicht auf Flugeigenschaften.

"Der Mensch ist vielerlei. Aber vernünftig ist er nicht." - Oscar Wilde



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Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011, 14:44


Now and then, those of us on the development team start to lament that "this development cycle feels like it is going on forever" or we start to lose perspective on just how incredible this simulation of the 737 truly is.

After all, we have been spending 10-18hrs per day for months on end looking at the same details over and over. So much time in fact, that the details tend to fade to the background and we see only the things that we still feel need polish.

During these periods, it isn't uncommon to see our Tech Team members step in with polite reminders that the NGX is simply an incredible simulation of the Boeing 737, and that you, our customers are going to be blown away by what you see.

A few days ago I was conducting what is best described as a "detail" search within the Virtual Cockpit of the PMDG 737NGX looking for texture issues, polygon issues, blurries or missing/mis-aligned click-spots. Part of this type of check involves getting into unusual angles to view the cockpit in such a way that any issues still out there will be noticeable.

During one of my "lean in and look closely" efforts- I found myself coming back to one particular view. There was just something about this particular viewing location that really caused the virtual cockpit of the PMDG 737NGX to come alive...

So I thought I'd share it with you- since my last few updates have been "all text."

Check this out:

Resized to 38% (was 2560 x 1578) - Click image to enlarge

(You can get an even higher resolution version here: Higher Resolution Image )

I think this image does a really nice job of showing you how truly detailed and accurate we have made the virtual cockpit in the PMDG 737NGX. You can see from the shapes and sizes of knobs, to the texture of their surfaces that painstaking efforts have been made to ensure accuracy.

Notice the little things like the holes for tightening the knobs fasteners? The subtle wearing around the edges of the knobs and the rudder trim control?

Check out the clarity of the text on the parking brake, the shape and surface qualities of the throttle grips, the color differences in the clear portions of the audio panel volume selectors, the shape and surface definition of the trim wheels....

I could go on and on... Somehow this image is really exciting to me!

Okay enough babble about the eye candy- lets get to the brain-candy, shall we?

The last few weeks have been interesting, and in the software development version of the movie "Groundhog's Day" I have found myself making the same decision every Monday to push back final testing "just one more week" to facilitate the cleanup and completion of some items that don't quite meet our "sniff-test" for completion.

This afternoon was more of the same, with Dr. Vaos (of Dr. Vaos fame.. you know- the one who gets annoyed when I call him Dr. Vaos in the forum? ) and I discussing the timing of final testing and the implications on our release schedule.

The good news is that we really do think this will be the last time we kick the final testing out one more week. The bad news is that we did it again... but it had to be done.

Right now we are tuning/tweaking the VNAV model to make certain that it is ready for prime-time. This means flying the airplane through some very punishing departure and arrival sequences while simultaneously making a significant effort to "break" the functionality by manner of constant changes in routing and restrictions in order to see if there are any areas where VNAV falls apart.

I am happy to report that the new VNAV model designed for the PMDG 737NGX is performing exceptionally well, and we are just doing some cleanup work with it now. This is important, because 95% of airline flying is conducted in LNAV/VNAV, so VNAV "just needs to work." When VNAV is done correctly, it requires no excuses- and in this particular area of the PMDG 737NGX we are very happy with the version we are working with.

There are still some areas that are being tuned a bit- and we are deep into testing the offset and missed approach behavior as well!

On the systems side, the airplane is essentially completed and has been for a few weeks. We are now working on some refinements and chasing down one or two items that are still nagging at us. For example we have a condition in the pressurization system that nobody on the Tech Team has been able to reproduce with certainty, but it is disruptive- so the research continues...

Other than pressurization debugging- the system are ready for prime-time and have been checked against many of the same processes that are used when bringing an airplane out of a heavy maintenance check to verify that system operations are correct.

While we finish up testing on VNAV, Armen is using the time to continue refining the sound set for the airplane with absolutely spectacular results. We have hundrdeds upon hundreds of unique switch/knob/button/ambient sounds to really put you in the cockpit of the NG airplane. We are using some very interesting techniques to make certain that the sound immersion is the best it can possibly be.

Since the systems logic is essentially finished, I have spent the past week or so wrapping up an introduction document that will give you some insight into various aspects of the simulation from equipment options on the airplane and in the cockpit to operation of the failures system, aircraft maintenance, loading, fueling and customization. That document is currently 80 pages and will probably be closer to 100 before I finish. (Hopefully on Tuesday?)

We are in the final decision making states for the release plan, to include pricing and final product release specs. I'll be giving you more information on these two items a bit later...

So all-in-all the final pieces are in place and very little remains to be accomplished. We are currently looking at final testing to commence on Monday, next (current plan as of today) and while we are not predicting an end-date to final testing, I do not anticipate the process taking very long. Why? The Tech Team we have assembled has given this airplane such an incredibly thorough workout that very little remains to be done!

Thank you again for your patience- we promise you that the PMDG 737NGX will be worth the wait!

(And we cannot wait for you to have her- because that will mean you can finally begin to see this airplane that we have been staring at for so long...)



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Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011, 15:18

Wie kannst du uns nur das Bild vorenthalten? ;)

Ach ja, und die Quelle des Posts: