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GSX - A new product from FSDT - Ground Services X
« on: March 01, 2011, 07:03:30 PM »
Here's the first public preview of our upcoming product. From the same team that brought you XPOI, another interesting implementation of our powerful Phython scripting engine: GSX which stands for Ground Services X.
It's an FSX only product which greatly enhances any airport with all sort of interactive Ground Services, like Marshallers, Baggage Loaders, better Refueling Vehicles, better Push-Back vehicles, De-Icers, Follow-Me Cars, Catering vehicles, etc.
It's perfectly integrated with our YouControl and ParkMe features
Many vehicles use advanced people animations that, thanks to the underlying scripting engine, are not just canned and preset, but are flexible and interact with the airport and the user airplane which means, they'll work with any user airplane at any parking position of any airport, both default and 3rd party.
On the FSDT sceneries that use ParkMe and YouControl, GSX will appear as a sub menu under YouControl, and it will basically replace ParkMe.
We intend to offer GSX for FREE at all our current and future airports, and as a purchasable product to get support of all other airports in FSX. There will be only one product to buy, which will feature all 20000+ default airports and any other FSX airport.
There will be several interesting expansion options, like the ability to add vehicles "repaints", which can be localized for a large region (US, Europe, Asia, etc.) or be specific for a certain nation or even a single airport. The vehicles use the standard FSX format with multiple models and multiple "liveries" (which, for people, means multiple characters) and we might come up with expansion products like new collections of vehicles and/or people, specific for certain areas. However, the base product will contain everything needed to support the whole World, from day one.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »lms« (13. November 2011, 18:29)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Boeing-737 Fan« (13. November 2011, 18:35)
AES kann einpacken!![]()
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »CallsignLH« (13. November 2011, 20:37)
AES kann einpacken!![]()
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Flusianer« (13. November 2011, 20:34)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »thokle« (13. November 2011, 20:40)
ich habe mich mal durch die 12 Seiten im FSDreamTeam Forum durchgearbeitet
ich hoffe, das beseitigt die Unklarheit etwas.
FsDreamTeam is happy to announce the release of their latest product, Ground Services X or GSX, their most ambitious project to date. After 2 years of development, this product will enable ground services like Follow Me, Marshalling, Baggage Loaders, Passenger Bus, Passenger Stairs, Catering vehicles and accurate Puhback with any FSX airport, both default and 3rd party.
GSX is a native FSX product, with Human animations and immersive 5.1 surround sound effects, featuring many different types of ground vehicles, selected depending on the user's airplane type and geographical location, with each vehicle available in multiple liveries, with an easy to use PaintKit to add custom liveries.
A novel feature, Direct Airplane Interface, allows GSX to interact with several popular 3rd party airplanes that use custom controls for independent doors, keeping you busy operating your airplane while the ground crew does his job. GSX also recognizes airplanes with special features like Ground power units, Air starters, Wheel Chocks, APUs, and more.
New supported airplanes and improved custom support for 3rd party airports will be added regularly over time, and thanks to the powerful Live Update feature, users will get update notification automatically, with updates applied on the fly without having to restart FSX in most of the cases.
GSX is AVAILABLE FOR FREE at all FSDT Airports and a couple of default airports which will work for free even if the product is not purchased.
Purchasing GSX will allow to use it at all default FSX airports and with any 3rd party airport, provided it uses a standard .BGL (AFCAD).
The FSDreamTeam forum Team.
Benutzerinformationen überspringen
Virtueller Landschaftsgärtner
Wohnort: Hövelhof (zwischen EDLP-Paderborn und ETUO-Gütersloh)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Kurt« (1. Februar 2012, 11:52)
Begeisterung rührt sicherlich von einem "Spätwechsler" wie ich es bin....
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »hero93« (1. Februar 2012, 14:51)