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Mega Scenery X

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No Risk no Fun



Sonntag, 17. Juli 2011, 12:47

Mega Scenery X

Cranking up your engine in preparation for a flight over a scenery world you’ve always dreamed about…. A scenery world that is as real and as "picture perfect" as the world you live in. A scenery world that no longer means flying bored over sparse, discontinuous scenery with repeating tiles, but instead a world that keeps you fascinated and intrigued every moment you’re in the air knowing that every inch of the terrain rolling beneath your aircraft, every road, every river, every mountain, every town is real! A world that lets you plan, plot, and navigate your way visually, just like a pilot, using real visual navigation charts to accurately make your way to your destination airport miles away and with continuous coverage that doesn’t give you a single moment’s break from reality. Die Sceneryen sind Payware, Und erfordert warscheinlich eine Anmeldung. That flying experience is now possible with MegaScenery USA 2004 for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (and FS2002). That's right... MegaScenery is Back! MegaScenery USA 2004 is the only large scale satellite derived photorealistic scenery for the USA for the latest Microsoft Flight Simulator FS2004: A Century of Flight and FS2002. MegaScenery USA 2004 gives you "real world" visual scenery developed from satellite images at a resolution of 5 meters per pixel for a real VFR flying experience over many areas of the United States, as they are released.


Sonntag, 17. Juli 2011, 12:47




Art der Website

Payware Publisher/Hersteller

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